Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My Why

"Why is a "skinny", 115 lb, 5'3" girl doing working out? She's skinny enough!!" Let's dive into that, shall we? Everyone has a story, and here is mine.

Let's go back, WAY BACK! I was 19 years old, 5'3" and weighed a whopping 88 lbs. Yes you read that correctly. Was I anorexic? HECK NO!! I loved food, just as much as the next person. I ate lots of food, and lots of junk, but yet I could not gain a single pound.
I was experiencing, terrible, leg pain and began doctoring for it. Long story short (after months of this), an ultrasound revealed that I had a tumor the size of 2 large pickles (doctor's words, not mine).  Because of the size of the tumor, they were scared of cancer. So, over the next two weeks I would get a CT scan, an MRI (and I honestly can't remember what else), and get prepped for surgery.

Surgery day came, and I cried and I cried. Everyone was there, my parents, my grandparents, my siblings. Everyone was scared I wouldn't make it out of there. (I did not know that at the time, I was just scared of surgery). BUT after hours of surgery, I came out alive!! --and you will be happy to know that the tumor was not cancerous, and would in fact end up being what started my diagnosis of Schwannomatosis.

It was a long month of recovery, but I recovered with minimal damage. I had a long scar in the middle of my stomach(vertical). And as time went on, I gained weight!! It was such a milestone to be over 100 lbs for the first time in my life.

By the age of 20, I was pregnant with my 1st child. And by the age of 24, I would be a mom to 2 wonderful children! I quickly went from being at a healthy weight, to being overweight.

I hated my body. I hated that I wasn't a healthy petite anymore (repeat HEALTHY, I never want to weigh 88 lbs again!!)

And now I had a  family that needed me. Trouble was, I was so unhappy with myself, I could barely spread enough love to my kids let alone myself(add in post partum depression, and yea...)

Finally I knew I had to get on the right track. I was going to the gym and made a great friendship, with my now coach. I made progress, but quit again.

Then I tried T25 , not even knowing it was a beachbody program! But yet again I quit... So since my kids, I started and stopped...started than stopped. Then my wonderful friend, Susan, introduced me to the beachbody world! 

That was one year ago, and yea I've stopped off and on..but kept going, knowing now that I am at a healthy weight. But also knowing that , for my career advancement, I need to be at my strongest that I've ever been.

This fall I decided to become a beachbody coach, I know what a long journey it can seem like!! But if you just stick with it, it will pay off!! Even "skinny" people can be unfit and weak. And I would like to point out that I still struggle with that scar... My stomach has never been the same, and losing weight around it seems impossible. But I will never give up, and neither should you! 


This Recipe is super easy to make! And very nutricious!


Ground meat (turkey, chicken, pork)--I used pork
Corn (I usually add more veggies, like celery, mushrooms)
Diced Onion
Mixed Beans( I like to use one that has chickpeas, kidney beans, etc)
Brown Beans
Large jar of Diced Tomatoes
Chili Seasoning to taste

1. Fry the ground meat and onion until brown. 
2. Add the jar of diced tomatoes, corn and both cans of beans and the chili seasoning
3. Cook for 10-15 more minutes and serve.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Butterfinger shakeology

This is to die for!!!! Love it! A must try! Note that should say butterscotch pudding MIX

Friday, November 13, 2015

It's not always pretty

Just before I hopped in the shower, I thought I need a photo of how red my face is.

I'm so sweaty, so tired! And this is definitely not a flattering photo! But it's proof, that after a hard workout (to better yourself) you shouldn't look like a model! You should look like 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chicken & Veggie Quesadilla

Tonight I made chicken quesadillas for supper. The family loved them!! And for me it fit right into my 21 day fix menu plan. 
Again, proof, that eating healthy doesn't have to be difficult!

I had pre cooked chicken, when I did meal prep on the weekend. 

Oven baked chicken ( cooked and cut up ahead of time)
Diced veggies, I used peppers and onions.
And old cheddar cheese

Those following the 21 day fix menu plan: this is 1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow and 1/2 blue.(for 1/2 of a quesadilla-- including it being topped with a second tortilla.

I had home made salsa,that has no added sugar in it. So I had 1 tbsp of it with this

Why 21 day fix? Why beachbody?

This video explains why I love this program so much!! It simplifies everything.  It's easy to get a 30 min workout in, and with the containers it makes eating healthy and appropriately, so easy!

Check it out, if you are at all interested in doing that workout, it's definitely worth watching.

If you're interested in trying out an at home fitness dvd I highly recommend it! Contact me to get set up, and have your own personal coach to help you along your fitness path!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Welcome to my new page. Yet again, I am fighting with farm internet so please bare with me!! I love writing, and sharing my life with all of my friends and family! So I decided the best place to do that would be in a blog. For the past year, I've been learning and growing with my beachbody family. So the next obvious step was to become a coach! And an added bonus, my first month as a coach I got my shakeology for free! More on that in posts to come. A year ago, I knew I had to get myself on track, I wanted to further my career and that required me becoming stronger and fitter.
I've came along way , and am very proud of how far I've come. I still have a journey ahead of me, to get as strong as I need to be. Of course I couldn't have done it without amazing coaches helping me along the way. And adding shakeology into my day heightened that for sure. I love being a part of this. No I'm not as young as I once was, but I have 2 kids that need me around for many days to come. I plan to share my journey, share my recipes and all the challenges that go along with it. Thanks for tuning in !